Having monster chops is great and all, but it doesn’t matter one bit if you can’t play clean in a line. Below, I’ll give my tips on how to stay
Category: Intro to Tenor Drumming
Basic Exercise – 7/8 MotionBasic Exercise – 7/8 Motion
Download the music here: 7-8 Motion 7/8 Motion This is one of my favorite exercises to get you moving laterally around the drums. Be sure to watch your playing
Basic Exercise – Double BeatBasic Exercise – Double Beat
Download the music here: Double Beat DOUBLE BEAT: This is a great exercise to work on bouncing the stick. These “double beats” are basically drags in disguise. You will
Basic Exercise – Accent TapBasic Exercise – Accent Tap
Download the music here: Accent Tap ACCENT TAP: This is consistently my #2 exercise. It uses the staccato stroke which is a little less fluid than the legato stroke
Basic Exercise – EightsBasic Exercise – Eights
Even if you’ve been playing for a few years, these are some great exercises to get you moving around the drums and establishing (or reestablishing) your playing positions. For all of them,

7 Ways to Drum Better Now7 Ways to Drum Better Now
We are all very busy. Whether you have to focus on school, your job, family, or social life, there just never seems to be enough time in the day to

Tenor Drum Playing PositionsTenor Drum Playing Positions
Getting to play on anything from four to six drums (plus the sides, rims, etc.) is what makes tenor drumming so much fun. But where do you hit the head

Matched-Grip Drumming FundamentalsMatched-Grip Drumming Fundamentals
One of the great things about playing tenor drums is we get to use the exact same technique for both of our hands. We don’t have to learn two completely

Introduction to Tenor DrummingIntroduction to Tenor Drumming
Want to learn how to play tenor drums? Welcome to my FREE Introduction to Tenor Drumming lesson series! If you are looking to play tenor drums at your high school,